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Course curriculum

    1. How to Use the Course Player

    1. Lesson 1. Medit Intraoral Scanner PC Guidelines

    2. Summary [1]

    3. Quiz [1]

    1. Lesson 2. Introducing Medit Link

    2. Summary [2]

    3. Quiz [2]

    4. Lesson 3. Creating Account & Installation

    5. Summary [3]

    6. Quiz [3]

    7. Lesson 4. Medit Link Website

    8. Summary [4]

    9. Quiz [4]

    10. Lesson 5. Medit Link Membership Service

    11. Summary [5]

    12. Quiz [5]

    13. Lesson 6. Medit Link Data

    14. Summary [6]

    15. Quiz [6]

    1. Lesson 7. Increasing Medit Link Cloud Storage (Eng Subtitles)

    2. Summary [7]

    3. Quiz [7]

    4. Lesson 8. Medit Link Application

    5. Summary [8]

    6. Quiz [8]

    7. Lesson 9. Case Synchronization Manager

    8. Summary [9]

    9. Quiz [9]

    10. Lesson 10. Medit Link Settings

    11. Summary [10]

    12. Quiz [10]

    13. Lesson 11. Creating a New Case

    14. Summary [11]

    15. Quiz [11]

    16. Lesson 12. Patient Management

    17. Summary [12]

    18. Quiz [12]

    19. Lesson 13. Medit Scan for Clinics Overview

    20. Summary [13]

    21. Quiz [13]

    22. Lesson 14. Medit Link App-Case Box Detail 1

    23. Summary [14]

    24. Quiz [14]

    25. Lesson 15. Placing an Order with a Lab

    26. Summary [15]

    27. Quiz [15]

    28. Lesson 16. Medit Link App-Case Box Detail 2

    29. Summary [16]

    30. Quiz [16]

    1. Lesson 17. Calibration Wizard

    2. Summary [17]

    3. Quiz [17]

    4. Lesson 18. Practice Mode

    5. Summary [18]

    6. Quiz [18]

    7. Lesson 19. Medit Scan for Clinics Settings

    8. Summary [19]

    9. Quiz [19]

    10. Lesson 20. Checklist for Intraoral Scanning

    11. Summary [20]

    12. Quiz [20]

    13. Lesson 21. Smart Scan Guide (Eng Subtitles)

    14. Summary [21]

    15. Quiz [21]

    16. Lesson 22. Scan Strategy: Maxilla

    17. Summary [22]

    18. Quiz [22]

    19. Lesson 23. Scan Strategy: Mandible

    20. Summary [23]

    21. Quiz [23]

    22. Lesson 24. Scan Strategy: Occlusion

    23. Summary [24]

    24. Quiz [24]

    25. Lesson 25. Features for Occlusion

    26. Summary [25]

    27. Quiz [25]

    28. Lesson 26. Multi Occlusion

    29. Summary [26]

    30. Quiz [26]

    31. Lesson 27. Scan Strategy: Scan Body

    32. Summary [27]

    33. Quiz [27]

    34. Lesson 28. AI Scan Body Matching

    35. Summary [28]

    36. Quiz [28]

    37. Lesson 29. Register Abutments

    38. Summary [29]

    39. Quiz [29]

    40. Lesson 30. Scan Strategy: Edentulous

    41. Summary [30]

    42. Quiz [30]

    43. Lesson 31. Edentulous Scan Strategy (Including Bite Scan)

    44. Summary [31]

    45. Quiz [31]

    46. Lesson 32. Easy Edentulous Scanning Using Scan Body (Replicate Existing Data)

    47. Summary [32]

    48. Quiz [32]

    49. Lesson 33. Full Denture Scan

    50. Summary [33]

    51. Quiz [33]

    52. Lesson 34. Replica Denture Scan

    53. Summary [34]

    54. Quiz [34]

    55. Lesson 35. Implant-Supported Denture Scan

    56. Summary [35]

    57. Quiz [35]

    1. Lesson 36. Trimming Tool

    2. Summary [36]

    3. Quiz [36]

    4. Lesson 37. Basic Tools 1 (Lock Area/Undercut Analysis/Swap Max.&Man.)

    5. Summary [37]

    6. Quiz [37]

    7. Lesson 38. Basic Tools 2 (Result Preview/Marginline Creation/Smart Data Cleaning)

    8. Summary [38]

    9. Quiz [38]

    10. Lesson 39. New Margin Line Feature

    11. Summary [39]

    12. Quiz [39]

    13. Lesson 40. Basic Tools 3 (Scan Replay/HD Camera/Measure)

    14. Summary [40]

    15. Quiz [40]

    16. Lesson 41. Side Toolbar

    17. Summary [41]

    18. Quiz [41]

    19. Lesson 42. Smart Arrows

    20. Summary [42]

    21. Quiz [42]

    22. Lesson 43. Smart Scan Filtering (Eng Subtitles)

    23. Summary [43]

    24. Quiz [43]

    25. Lesson 44. Smart Stitching

    26. Summary [44]

    27. Quiz [44]

    28. Lesson 45. Smart Shade Guide (Eng Subtitles)

    29. Summary [45]

    30. Quiz [45]

    31. Lesson 46. Smart Color Filtering

    32. Summary [46]

    33. Quiz [46]

    34. Lesson 47. HD Scan

    35. Summary [47]

    36. Quiz [47]

    37. Lesson 48. Impression Scan

    38. Summary [48]

    39. Quiz [48]

    40. Lesson 49. Import Scan Data

    41. Summary [49]

    42. Quiz [49]

    43. Lesson 50. "Complete" Stage (Eng Subtitles)

    44. Summary [50]

    45. Quiz [50]

About this course

  • Free
  • 2 hr 41 min
  • + Short summaries
  • + Quiz